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Directors & Officers for Law Firms

Helps protect lawyers and law firms where their general liability or professional liability insurance policy may not.

Directors & Officers (D&O) and Entity Liability

Helps protect against the exposures associated with the management actions and decisions of your company’s directors and officers.

Employment Practices Liability (EPL)

Helps protect against allegations stemming from employment-related wrongdoing and helps mitigate EPL exposures through optional state-of-the-art loss prevention services, where permitted.

Fiduciary Liability

Helps protect your company, your benefit plans, and your fiduciaries against exposures resulting from breaches of fiduciary duty and allegations of errors and omissions in the administration of benefit plans.

Employed Lawyers Liability

Helps protect your company and your in-house attorneys from allegations of errors and omissions in connection with the provision of legal advice and services.

Kidnap Ransom and Extortion

Helps protect your company against a wide range of expenses associated with incidents of kidnapping and extortion, including the cost of optional crisis management services, where permitted.

Workplace Violence Expense

Helps protect your company against a wide range of expenses associated with incidents of workplace violence, including the cost of optional crisis management services, where permitted.

Healthcare Organizations

Healthcare organizations are increasingly burdened with financial stress and risk due to a host of complex factors. More than ever, you need superior guidance and comprehensive coverage to stay on the road to financial viability.

Special Coverage Features for Small Businesses

Does your small private company have fewer than 250 employees? Chubb offers special coverage features just for you.

Did you know we offer Professional Liability insurance?

Chubb offers tailored professional liability and E&O insurance solutions, designed to provide the protection you need.