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Despite our best efforts, serious accidents can and do happen every day.  Should a major, catastrophic accident occur, the primary focus needs to be placed on treatment and recovery – not on the financial impact of the injury. 

Chubb Accident & Health’s Catastrophic Accident Insurance helps provide peace of mind against the risk of such covered injuries.



In the event a serious injury causes medical expenses significant enough to exceed a base accident plan, Catastrophic Accident Insurance becomes invaluable for schools, daycares, youth groups, sports teams, etc.

Chubb provides high-limit blanket AD&D and accident medical coverage with optional additional benefits for accidents that occur during covered activities.

Optional additional benefits include:

  • Catastrophic accident cash benefit
  • Catastrophic accident permanent total disability benefit
  • Catastrophic accident partial disability benefit

Client Profile

  • K-12 Schools

The Chubb Advantage

  • Innovation: Our entrepreneurial business philosophy and expert industry knowledge allow us to remain flexible in finding the right solution for our clients.
  • Global Protection: The Chubb global network can satisfy the insurance needs of companies operating worldwide.
  • Financial Strength: Consistently high ratings from A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s are an indication that we are financially strong and able to meet our obligations to our customers.
  • Superior Solutions: We are dedicated, solutions-oriented professionals able to provide quick responses and expert handling of customer needs.