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Allegations of negligence or wrongdoing threaten a company’s reputation. They can also be time consuming and costly to defend. Chubb’s casualty claim handling provides the services that make Chubb the right carrier to stand by you through complex legal matters, including:

  • A prompt and thorough investigation of your claim by claim professionals with the appropriate skill and authority level
  • Timely and fair resolution of your claim, including vigorous defense of claims that involve no liability on your part
  • Mitigation and/or elimination of your exposure via transfer of exposures through contractual liability and additional insured provisions
  • Regional experts who deliver highly proficient coverage analysis, ensuring a thorough understanding of local statutes, case law and the judicial system
  • A coordinated approach to handling multinational claims with examiners who understand the complex jurisdictional, linguistic, cultural and coverage issues that might arise
  • A plan of action, updated throughout the life of the claim, that outlines the investigation, assessment of liability/damages and resolution strategy for the claim 
  • Specialists devoted to handling claims in specific areas, including errors & omissions, life sciences, energy, technology, professional services, cultural institutions and real estate